2022 OWF Commonwealth Games Invitational

Apr 05 2022

Dear Friends

The Oceania Weightlifting Federation wishes to invite all Commonwealth Games athletes from the Oceania region who have qualified for the Birmingham Games to compete on the 28th May, 2022, in an online tournament. This date was selected because it fits in perfectly with two months to go to the beginning of the weightlifting at the Commonwealth Games.

The Executive Board of the OWF has decided to inject AUD$50,000 prize money towards this tournament. It is so important for our Oceania nations to succeed in Birmingham. 

The prize money for male and female lifters is set out below.

  1. $5000
  2. $3000
  3. $2000
  4. $1000

All other athletes will receive $500.

Kindest regards,
Paul Coffa MBE
General Secretary

Copyright 2025 by Oceania Weightlifting Federation