2022 OWF Cup Results

Mar 28 2022

Dear Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I send you this years OWF Cup International online results. This event is getting better and better each year.

Without the professional support of Bowen Stuart, the online competition it simply would not be possible.

We are living in a very critical time. This coronavirus pandemic has really caused so much distress to everyone, including our lifters. Some of the lifters had the luxury of training in their gyms, some needed to train at home in their backyards, and some were completely locked down. And if it wasn’t for the innovative development of online competition by Bowen Stuart, many lifters would not have had any opportunity of competing. We are also indebted to Ian Moir the MC, Pedro Sanchez the President of the Jury and every jury member, referees and technical personnel for a job extremely well done.

Oceania is the only continent in the world which is provides an online tournament which has been developed on par with normal face to face tournaments. Weigh-ins, juries, referees, time clocks, buzzers for down signal, change of weights with a dedicated portal, etc. We are certainly keeping the lifters of the Oceania region connected.

Attach please find the results of last weekend. The best male lifter was Don Opeloge from Samoa and the best female lifter also from Samoa was Feagaiga Stowers. Every lifter competing has received a financial contribution from the OWF.

Kindest regards,
Paul Coffa MBE
General Secretary

2022 OWF Cup - Results

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