Oceania Electoral Congress

Mar 18 2020

Dear Members,

As you are fully aware due to the COVID-19 virus and the closure of countries borders, the OWF Executive Board together with the Nauru Organising Committee and the Government of Nauru agreed to postpone the Oceania Championships to the second part of the year – at this stage September or October.

Obviously the Oceania Electoral Congress which runs in conjunction with the Oceania Championships is postponed as well and will be held in Nauru when a firm date is set for the Oceania Championships by the OWF Executive Board, the Organising Committee and the Government of Nauru.

Therefore the Agenda for the Congress will be sent out – as per the OWF constitution – one month before the date confirmed. Please note that no changes will be made to the nominations for positions – these will stay the same. And no changes will be made to the Agenda items either. These will also stay the same.

Until such time, everyone please keep safe in these very difficult and unprecedented times.

Kindest regards,
Paul Coffa MBE
General Secretary
Oceania Weightlifting Federation
Commonwealth Weightlifting Federation
Ph:  +687 467640  or  +61 457778900

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